February 28th, 2025

First Insight led 'Quarterly Report' launched

Empowering South Bank's businesses to be able to take data and insight led decisions around their commercial activity, and understand the area they're operating in, is a core part of the BID's third term offering.

Almost at the outset of the beginning of the BID's third term in October, we hosted a Data, Insights and Research seminar in ETC Venues, which was attended by a wide range of levy payers.

Following very helpful discussions from levy payers on what information would be useful to them, and an interest in seeing updates more regularly, we're delighted to present our first short Quarterly Report to levy payers.

This initial instalment covers the time period of October to December 2024, and provides overviews of areas such as:

  • Footfall and Spend data, from the GLA’s High Streets Data Service.

  • Audience Research undertaken by Indigo on how visitors feel about Christmas in South Bank.

  • Website analysis of South Bank London, which helps the BID to understand our audiences’ interests.

The report highlights how positively South Bank continues to perform around Christmas time, with feedback from a number of different audience segments on how they value the area's atmosphere and offering during this period of the year.

We hope levy payers find this report useful and informative - if there are any aspects you would like to discuss further with the team, just get in touch at BID@southbanklondon.com

A full analysis of the South Bank’s performance in 2024/25 will be included in the BID's new business plan, which will be launched on 29 April at the BID’s annual event for levy payers and partners. This will be held at OXO2 - further details will be shared in due course. 

Read the report here

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