On the 17th of October, South Bank BID held its first Data, Insights and Research Showcase, hosted at ETC Venues in County Hall.
Data and insight forms a key element of the program of delivery outlined for the BID's third term, which began on the 1st of October.
Less than three weeks into the BID's third term, the event was an opportunity to share with levy payers the work the BID team has been undertaking to provide a comprehensive picture of South Bank's current performance as an area. This included drawing drawing on audience research commissioned by the BID, alongside data from the GLA's High Streets Data Service (HSDS).
Our thanks to our special guest speaker, Diane Wehrle, who presented relevant and actionable insights from footfall and spend data available through HSDS. Diane is one of the leading destination experts in the UK, with an unparalleled knowledge and expertise in understanding current and emerging retail issues and consumer trends, both on a local London level and country wide. The CEO and Founder of Rendle Intelligence and Insights, and one of the original founders of Springboard, Diane talked through key footfall and spend trends present in South Bank from 2022 onwards, highlighting points of interest especially relevant to our businesses.
Our Senior Marketing Manager, Kelly Bliss, also shared highlights from a wider piece of audience research undertaken in the Summer. The research, delivered with Indigo, looked to explore current perceptions of South Bank, speaking to both current and previous visitors of South Bank, and also Londoners who may not have visited South Bank previously. Delving into these perceptions further, Kelly pulled out key audience motivations and drivers that emerged from the research.
Many thanks to the wide range of South Bank BID levy payers who attended the event, and shared their thoughts and perspectives; we look forward to working collaboratively with you to develop the insights service further.
If you are a levy payer to South Bank BID and would like to see the full deck presented at the event, please get in touch at BID@southbanklondon.com.