May 8th, 2018

South Bank Patrol meets Director General of the Crime Police and Fire Group

The Director General of the Crime Police and Fire Group (CPFG) at the Home Office, Mr Scott McPherson and Borough Commander Simon Messinger visited South Bank to meet the South Bank Patrol and a representative from South Bank BID.

This is a recognition of the strong partnership links with South Bank and to the service provided by the South Bank Patrol, who works to reduce and deter crime while providing an important ambassadorial presence, ensuring a safe, secure environment for those who live, work and visit South Bank.

South Bank Patrol was founded in 2008 by South Bank Employers’ Group and is funded – through South Bank Visitor Management Group – by revenues from the London Eye Section 106 Agreement and additional funding from South Bank BID and voluntary contributions from some business members.

The South Bank Patrol is assisted by four Met Police officers, as a part of the Met Plus scheme, a project jointly run with the Metropolitan Police and aimed to enhance police visibility in the area and to reduce crime and anti-social behaviour in direct response to the needs of our local businesses.

The work of the Patrol Team is coordinated and managed by Neil Haggertay, Head of Security, and Alex Valenzuela, Director of Public Realm at South Bank BID.

South Bank BID businesses can find out more about the security services available to them by contacting the Public Realm Team at

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