July 3rd, 2023

South Bank BID Third Term – Levy Payer Feedback

After a 99% ‘Yes’ vote in its second term ballot in 2019, the BID will be going to ballot in early 2024 for its third term, which will run from 1 October 2024 for five years.

As part of the process for producing its third term proposition, we want to hear from BID levy payers on what services and initiatives are a priority for them and their business.

Feedback from levy payers will actively shape the business plan for the third term, and the services the BID delivers in the period to September 2029.

To help understand these perspectives further, we’ve created a short survey that allows levy payers to share their organisation’s experience and thoughts – the survey can be found linked here.

The survey will take less than five minutes, and any feedback is greatly appreciated.

We will also be getting in touch with levy payers individually to discuss further what opportunities there are for the BID to help with, but if there’s anything you as an organisation would like to discuss specifically, please get in touch with the BID team at BID@southbanklondon.com

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