October 8th, 2022

South Bank BID supports Future Neighbourhoods 2030 and the Waterloo Station Masterplan

The BID has been working with Lambeth Council and other partners on two important long-term pieces of strategic work for the area: the Future Neighbourhoods 2030 project, and the Waterloo Station Masterplan.

The “FN 2030” project is ambitious in bringing forward a strategy and action plan for the South Bank and Waterloo neighbourhood to be net carbon zero by 2030. After consulting with stakeholders over several months, a final report – which will outline the actions and activities that will need to be done to achieve this ambition – is set to be launched in December. Many thanks to those businesses who contributed their thoughts at the engagement sessions that were held by consultants Antithesis earlier this year; these have been factored into the report which Antithesis is currently finalising.

The Waterloo Station Masterplan is another project which has important implications for the South Bank area, in seeking to transform the Station and the surrounding area. The purpose of the plan is to boost passenger experience at the UK’s busiest rail hub and to contribute to the regeneration of the local area. A multi-disciplinary team led by Grimshaw has recently been appointed to undertake the work on the masterplan, which should be completed by mid-2023. New routes for walking and cycling are also part of Grimshaw’s brief, was well as enhancing existing thoroughfares.

Due to the importance of both these projects, and their relevance to businesses and levy payers in South Bank, the BID is represented on the steering groups for both. The BID has also made a financial contribution to the Waterloo Station Masterplan, due to the Station’s position as a key transport hub that is frequently the first experience visitors have of the South Bank. The Masterplan will play a crucial role in setting the agenda for the area’s ongoing development and growth.

To read more about the Waterloo Station Masterplan and Grimshaw’s appointment, see here. To learn more about Future Neighbourhoods 2030, you can contact the BID at BID@southbanklondon.com.

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