September 17th, 2019

Information for South Bank Businesses: The Neighbourhood Plan for South Bank and Waterloo

What is a Neighbourhood Plan?

Introduced through the Localism Act 2011, Neighbourhood Plans give greater powers to people regarding planning applications in their local area. A Neighbourhood Plan has been developed for South Bank and Waterloo, which has been approved by Lambeth and Southwark Councils to proceed to a local referendum, to establish whether it can come into being.

On Thursday 24 October 2019, two referenda will be held in the areas defined as being part of Southbank and Waterloo neighbourhood. One vote will be for local residents as identified through the electoral register, and one vote will be for business rate payers. Both votes will need to be a majority Yes vote to establish the Neighbourhood Plan as part of the planning application process in this area for the next 15 years.

The Neighbourhood Plan addresses a number of important issues in our neighbourhood:

  • Green infrastructure, open space & air quality

  • Development management

  • Retail & work

  • Social infrastructure & culture

  • Streetscape & transport

  • Planning gain & mitigation

It can be read in full here.

Leaflets will also be distributed outlining the key themes of the Referendum to all residents and businesses in the lead up to the vote.

Through our involvement in South Bank Partnership, the BID supports the idea of a Neighbourhood Plan that gives businesses a voice in any future significant neighbourhood developments. All of the BID’s work is built around our vision of “a world-class South Bank for everyone”; a more prosperous and successful place for our businesses, employees, clients, students and visitors.


Businesses identified as eligible to vote in the Referendum will have received a Registration Form from Lambeth Council. Businesses in Southwark will receive this from Lambeth too, since it is the lead authority, acting on behalf of both boroughs.

If you wish to vote in the referendum, you must respond and identify a named voter as part of the registration process. Lambeth Electoral Services, who are overseeing the ballot, have requested that businesses who wish to vote should ideally register with them by Thursday 19th September, with the last date for making changes to any voter being 5pm on Wednesday 9th October, with the exception of emergency medical or work situations.

Businesses must also complete their “Voting Choice Form”, indicating their preference for a postal vote or to vote in person at a local polling station. You will then be issued with either a poll card or a postal vote for the named person. Postal votes can still be returned to a polling station by hand.

If you have mislaid your Registration Form, it can be downloaded again from the South Bank and Waterloo Neighbours’ website.

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