September 22nd, 2023

Third Term Consultation - Overview

Ahead of South Bank BID's third term ballot in early 2024, the BID team have been speaking to a range of local levy payers on what projects and initiatives they would like to see delivered in the BID's third term.

The BID has been speaking to levy payers across a variety of different platforms, including:

  • A survey that was sent to all levy payers in July

  • Roundtables with groups of levy payers that have commonalities, ie. location and landlord

  • One-on-one meetings with levy payers where preferred

Across these, the BID team have been looking to understand how levy payers feel about our services, what they value most, and if there's any additionality which they would like to see achieved in the third term.

From these rounds of consultation, we have understood that areas such as Safety and Security, Marketing and Promotion, and a Sustainable Public Realm emerge as some of the key factors and areas of delivery that levy payers value most.

To help breakdown the feedback we've received, you can find a more comprehensive document here outlining the responses from levy payers.

If you are a South Bank BID levy payer and would like to highlight a perspective you don't see reflected in the document above, please get in touch at BID@southbanklondon to discuss further.

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