Join us on Wednesday 24 April at ETC Venues County Hall for a breakfast event that South Bank BID is hosting in partnership with Southwark Works and Good People. The event is focused on helping South Bank businesses engage with Southwark Council’s pioneering employment and skills programme, with the aim of making it easier to recruit Southwark residents.
Southwark Works - now in its 20th year of operation - provides a free employment service for Southwark residents who have the right to work in the UK. Offering highly tailored services, it works with residents of all age groups and backgrounds, providing a hub for those looking for works. Good People - who are leading on developing strategic relationships with employers for Southwark Works - will be hosting the session and will share examples of how working with the team can help address skills challenges and deliver ESG or DEI objectives.
We’re inviting South Bank businesses and employers with an interest in local recruitment, retention and upskilling to come along and meet members of the Southwark Works team. The event will also explore opportunities to work in partnership to recruit local talent.
While the service works with Southwark residents, employers can be based in either Southwark or Lambeth, and indeed elsewhere.
Southwark Works operates across supply chains, anchor organisations, and a diverse range of employers, unlocking opportunities with an emphasis on the following sectors:
Hospitality and Tourism
Creative and Digital
Life Sciences
Health & Social Care
The event will be held at ETC Venues in County Hall - a light buffet breakfast will be available from 8:30 onwards.