July 3rd, 2020

South Bank Reopening – Sanitation and Hygiene Update

We understand that both businesses and visitors also have heightened concerns around hygiene and security during this time.

To reflect this higher demand, the BID and South Bank Employers’ Group are stepping up the provision of services provided by South Bank Clean Team and South Bank Patrol, with effect from July 3rd. The hygiene policies implemented by customer facing businesses will also be highlighted on South Bank London, to reassure visitors coming to South Bank that their safety is being prioritized throughout the neighbourhood.

If you have any issues in your area you would like either South Bank Clean Team or South Bank Patrol to respond to, please contact BID@Southbanklondon.com.

In addition, following engagement with South Bank Business Watch, we have coordinated the provision of additional public toilets in key locations across the South Bank.

These have been delivered and installed on the 3rd of July, in readiness for general reopenings on the 4th.  This reflects the clear need for these additional facilities, given the ongoing closure of what would normally be publically accessible toilets, and the expected additional footfall. The funding for these toilets has been provided by South Bank Bid, Lambeth Council, and a Section 106 contribution from Merlin. We envisage that the toilets will remain in place throughout July and August.

The location of these new public toilets can be found on our map detailing current restaurants, bars, retail and attractions open for business in South Bank here.

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