April 30th, 2021

South Bank BID to fund additional Security and Cleaning measures

At their most recent meeting, the South Bank BID Board approved further funding for additional security and cleaning measures in May and June 2021, to meet the growing demands of the area.

These measures reflect the needs stemming from increased footfall into South Bank, alongside the limitations created by many of our venues remaining closed or partially closed. The BID will monitor the resource levels that are needed, depending on what the area needs at any given points, particularly as businesses continue to reopen and audiences return.


There will now be an additional six hours of support on Saturday and Sunday mornings, alongside the previous night clean-up operation. The team will focus on the South Bank’s two main green and open spaces (Jubilee Gardens and Bernie Spain), and then the Queen’s Walk. This support will come from 2 more operatives, working 3 hours each on Saturday and Sunday.

Alongside this there will also be a further late-night cleaning shift implemented on Friday to Sunday, providing an additional 24 hours of support. This will operate from Jubilee Gardens to Bernie Spain Gardens, including the whole stretch of the Queen’s Walk.

Both services will be extended to the May Bank holidays, on the 3 and 31 May respectively.


The BID will work in conjunction with Safer Business Network (SBN) and Assist Services Group to provide a team of night time COVID-19 Marshals at weekends (Fridays / Saturdays / Sundays) between 8pm and 4am. As part of this work, two workshops are being planned for South Bank businesses, to provide further support and training. Details on this will be communicated to BID levy payers in due course.

These measures will work to provide additional support to manage the night-time and to ensure the safety of all – visitors, staff and residents.

Public Toilets

In partnership with Lambeth Council and local businesses, the BID has worked to install a number of public toilets alongside the Queen’s Walk. These are necessary due to the high level of footfall and with many of our buildings and venues remaining closed. The toilets are in three locations, marked on the map here. To meet high levels of demand, there will also be an additional servicing of the toilets, with a focus on the weekends.

Two additional toilets will now also be installed near the Southbank Centre, alongside one opposite Jimmy’s BBQ; these are being funded by the Southbank Centre.

If you have any concerns regarding security or cleaning, or would like any further information, please contact BID@southbanklondon.com.

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