In line with security concerns raised to us by levy payers, our two Section 92 Police officers - PC Pollack and PC Blackman (who is stepping in for PC Husen while he is on leave) - have been working across South Bank to address areas such as thefts and illegal trading.
The two Metropolitan Police officers are funded entirely by the BID and are focused exclusively on our area. They work collaboratively with the BID’s dedicated Security Manager, South Bank Patrol and the Metropolitan Police’s Lambeth North Safer Neighbourhoods Team, sharing resources and intelligence to ensure South Bank has a comprehensive and consistent police and security presence in the area.
Recent activity that the two officers have undertaken has included:
Plain and uniform operations with South Bank Patrol and the BID's Security Manager in relation to distraction thefts.
Joint operations on Westminster Bridge to address illegal trading, resulting in seizures and an arrest for gambling offences.
Bike marking at Waterloo Station and St Thomas' Hospital.
Sharing intelligence regarding wanted and known persons, leading to an arrest within five hours of identification.
An arrest for phone snatching, with one prolific shop lifter progressed to a court date.
Over the coming months, our officers will be undertaking further plain clothes operations alongside South Bank Patrol and our security manager to address bag thefts and to provide business support - they will also be offering bike marking outside WeWork / 10 York Road and delivering specific business engagement days. Please do contact us if you want like more details of these activities.