November 12th, 2019

South Bank BID to sponsor the 2020 VAULT Festival

South Bank BID has announced that it is co-sponsoring the 2020 VAULT Festival, the eighth year of one of the world’s largest curated arts festivals. With its central hub in The Vaults under Leake Street Arches, the 2020 festival will feature over 560 events reaching across theatre, comedy, cabaret, immersive experiences, live performances, late-night parties and more.

South Bank has always been one of the country’s leading cultural destinations, and the BID is proud to continue to invest in bringing to the area some of the most exciting and vibrant work from both established and new artists and companies. The 2019 VAULT festival brought more than 400 shows to South Bank and Waterloo, and this year’s festival aims to be even bigger and bolder, with performances taking place in 18 locations across the neighbourhood.

This year’s festival will also demonstrate an increased investment in sustainability. Alongside the use of paperless tickets and compostable food bowls, and the banning of single use plastics, VAULT festival will be participating in the Green Earth Appeal’s Carbon-Free Dining campaign, which gives diners the option to donate to offset the carbon footprint of their meal.

Nic Durston, South Bank BID’s Chief Executive, commented: “We know that when South Bank BID sponsored Lumiere London in 2018, it delivered considerable benefits to many of our levy payers in terms of bringing footfall from Londoners to South Bank at a traditionally quieter period of the year, to invest in our thriving night-time economy. VAULT Festival 2020 will bring around 100,000 visitors over an 8-week period to South Bank, and we are proud to be associated with this major cultural arts festival.”

Performances will run from Tuesday the 28th of January until Sunday the 22nd of March. A complete schedule and tickets for the first week of performances are available via the VAULT festival website; every Tuesday more productions will be revealed until the full programme is released on the 3rd of December.

We will be providing regular updates on VAULT festival activities via our newsletter, our Twitter feed @SouthBankBID and our South Bank London destination marketing channels.

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